motorcycle-accident-jonap-and-associates-pc-lGeorgia Motorcycle Accidents

According to the Georgia Highway Safety Organization, motorcycle accidents continue to climb faster than auto accidents in Georgia, pushing the risk for more debilitating, permanent, or even life-threatening injuries for Georgia riders even higher. Whether it is on a local street or along the open roads and interstate highways, the injuries that can be associated with motorcycle accidents are excruciating, especially since there is less materials surrounding the biker than what can protect a motorist. There are no airbags or cushions to break a fall, and the motorcyclist often hits and scrapes the pavement in painful motorcycle accidents. Even worse, if not wearing protective motorcycle clothing or a helmet, the results can be painful or deadly.

Legal Assistance that Steers You in the Right Direction after a Motorcycle Accident

In many cases, motorcycle accidents are very often not the fault of the motorcycle rider who then bears the brunt of the personal injury. Like car accidents, there can be significant financial, personal, and physical costs involved in motorcycle accidents, and the victim and/or their loved ones have a right to recover these costs if the other driver was at fault. These damages can include lost wages, economic losses, pain and suffering, medical expenses and, in some sad cases, even funeral expenses. The spouse of the injured person or the person who has died can also be entitled to monetary recovery from a motorcycle accident.

And, in a similar fashion to car accidents, insurance companies will seek quick settlement to avoid having to pay future expenses that may arise over time and as the victim realizes the true extent of their injuries, including whether they have permanent damage that impacts their quality of life or ability to work or whether they may then need some type of specialized corrective surgery. The State of Georgia does extend its two-year lawsuit window that it has for car accident victims to also include motorcycle accident victims and their families.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, we encourage you to contact our law firm immediately. Don’t assume that the insurance companies involved in your motorcycle accident have the best settlement for your personal situation. We encourage you to come in for a free initial motorcycle accident consultation and see how the motorcycle accident experts at Jonap and Associates, P.C. can represent you and your best interests.

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